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Optical microscopy


OMPG performs extensive tasks for the microscopic characterization and visualization of surface morphologies.

This includes, for example, the examination of cuts, thin sections or fracture surfaces using incident light, transmitted light, polarized light, dark field, bright field and differential interference contrast (DIC) for the plastic representation of surfaces. Fluorescence-excited µ-areas can also be displayed, 3D imaging technology is available to increase the depth of field and video technology is available to record moving objects in the micro and macro range. Evaluations are carried out using software for digital image analysis.

In addition to various stationary light microscopes (Olympus BX61, BH2, SZ9), a mobile digital microscope (HIROX KH7700) and a confocal white light microscope (NanoFocus) for roughness measurements (line and surface) are also available.

In addition, investigations can be carried out to determine contact angles on surfaces and liquids, surface tension, interfacial tension, surface energy, roll-off angle (e.g. lotus effect), wetting envelopes, polar and disperse (non-polar), proportion of surface energy on solids and liquids.

The equipment includes

  • Multi-dosing system, 4-fold standard fluids
  • Single dosing system for special fluids
  • Peltier temperature chamber (-30 °C to +160 °C)
  • Tilting table (unrolling angle)

The determination of optical parameters is also part of the range of services:

  • Absorption/reflection
  • Transparency
  • Whiteness and yellowness
  • Shine, Haze
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