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When buying toys, the safety and quality of the products are always the main criteria alongside the play value. As an indepen…

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If the summer sun burns mercilessly on our skin, many other outer shells also suffer. The combination of heat and solar radia…

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The TITK-Group Rudolstadt, to which OMPG mbH also belongs, is supporting the children's hospice in Central Germany with a Chr…

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As an accredited testing laboratory in accordance with DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025, OMPG mbH has once again successfully passed th…

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OMPG was successfully audited by Daimler AG. Following the expansion of the laboratory capacities, the high quality of the te…

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After participating in a large-scale round robin test, OMPG was once again able to successfully qualify for the following emi…

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Animal-free methods established for determining the skin-damaging effects of medical and other products

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OMPG has expanded its testing expertise to include a new laboratory area for antibacterial efficacy and biocompatibility.

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Group offers outstanding equal opportunities for women and men in the workplace

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